The O.G. Jam is back!!!!!!

Peach Preserves has rejoined the lineup! Yes… the O.G. Jam is back!!!!!!

As a 9 year old boy, I fractured my kneecap right before summer vacation hit. I was in the Ensemble of a production of “Porgy & Bess”, and I fell off of the stage during one of the musical sequences, right into the Orchestra Pit. It wasn’t pretty. My family had a trip planned to the Grand Canyon, which I now couldn’t take part in… so I was shipped off to my Grandparent’s farm in North Carolina.

The trip seemed like punishment to me… at first. I have a ton of cousins, but I didn’t know any of them… my Grandparents grew peaches, corn, peanuts, snap peas, cotton, and watermelon, among other things… there was a stream where you could go fishing, and a porch that wrapped completely around the main house. It was a great place, but I still felt like I was being punished. Why? Cause they WORKED ME!! Sunup to sundown, there was always something to do… chickens, pigs, cows… all needed tending. Chores needed to be done… all things that I just wasn’t used to. But as the summer wore on, I found that I enjoyed these tasks… after a while, I actually looked forward to doing them!

I shadowed my Grandma… and that summer, I learned LOTS OF THINGS. I learned to knit, crochet, and sew… I learned how to cook, and I learned how to CAN! Putting up preserves, canning, making jelly — to me, that was MAGIC. Magic you could eat; tell me, what’s better than that? 😀 And the Peach Preserves that just went up on the site here? That, my friends, was the very first thing that my Grandma taught me how to make… making the Peach Preserves always puts a smile on my face, for making them always takes me back to her kitchen, that summer when I was 9 years old, watching her make magic… The O.G. jam… the favorite jam and flavor of almost everyone in my family… hope you enjoy it!!