Bessie’s Jam [Blueberry & Strawberry, with Almond Essence] — part of the Homage Series



Introducing Bessie; the inspiration for the first tribute in my new Homage Series…

My Sister Bessie…

We all have people in our lives that inspire us; that enrich our lives… people who help us rise to the occasion – people who challenge us to be the best we can possibly be.  My Sister has always lead the brigade of those people for me.

From day one, she has ALWAYS been there for me.  Lifting me up; supporting me… encouraging me, loving me.  She is truly a gift — I am fortunate and blessed that she is part of my life, for she has truly enriched my life.  My Sister is 10 years older than me, and has always been like a 2nd Mom… a loving Caretaker when we were younger, and a nurturing and ever-present presence in our adult years.  She is the main reason I got through the difficult experience of our Mother’s passing last year.

In my personal pantheon, my Sister is the Goddess of Grace; she embodies it.  Goodness, Grace, and Light.  She is truly a treasure, and I adore her to no end.

In paying homage to my Sister, I took her favorite fruits, blueberries and strawberries, and combined them, enhancing them with just a touch of almond oil to give them that special added layer of flavor and aroma.  It’s a simple pairing, but together they do extraordinary things… much like my Sister and I.  I love this jam; I love her, and I think you’ll love it too… Give it a try!!  🙂

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