We need your help…

Howdy Y’all!

Happy New Year!! This post is a little late, but this has been a crazy [GOOD!] year thus far, and I’ve been incredibly busy… it’s all good, but I am a bit behind with posts, etc., so let’s get to it!

This is the time of the year when I would post the new flavors for the upcoming season; I usually do 2-3 of these posts a year, one for Winter; one for Spring/Summer; and one for Fall/Winter. I was all ready to post my upcoming new flavors, and my list of returning favorites, when I noticed that I have a large number of ‘SOLD OUT’ flavors! Yes, this is a good thing for me, but usually my SOLD OUT list is about the same number of flavors that I would need to repeat anyway, so it ends up being a wash. But there are [8] sold out flavors currently, fully 1/3 of the total number of flavors currently being offered!

So, to make room for the new flavors, I need to whittle down the SOLD OUT list a bit; not everything on that list can come back this year… I do promise though, that the [3] flavors that don’t make the cut this year, will definitely be back next year!

So please, could you take a moment and visit my home page, and vote for your favorite SOLD OUT flavor… the top [5] choices will live again in 2020!!

The poll will be up for a week… and please vote; I really do need, and would appreciate your help with this! And once those repeat flavors are identified, to thank you for helping me gather my intel, you’ll be able to order them at 25% off, from now through the end of March!

Thanks… New flavors for the first part of 2020 will be posted late next week, after we have the results of the poll!